You requested, we delivered! Here is our February recap of the latest product updates:
- Funnel trends over time
- Query builder upgrade
- Discover users by location
- …and product enhancements!
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New Features
Funnel trends over time

You can now compare your funnel analyses over specific periods of time. Using the Trends feature allows you to view the absolute and percent change of your funnel, making it easier to identify positive and negative results. Learn how!
Query builder upgrade

Never update one row at a time again. With this new upgrade, you can update each query row all at once, saving you time. This makes modifications to your analysis quicker and more convenient. Learn more!
Discover users by location

Through the Maps visualization, you can now view your users based on their region. Breakdown your customer base by U.S. state and observe how engagement changes over time. Not located in the U.S.? Request your location! Learn how!
Product Enhancements
✔  New data integrations are available like Google Tag Manager, S3, and BigQuery
✔ [For] clause is now visible in a new Segmentation query by default
✔ Contains clause now uses tags to make changing a list of values easier
✔ Certain user properties are activated by default for new projects, like first marketing channel, last device used, and more
✔ Export your User Segments as a CSV. (API coming soon! Contact us for more info)